Winning apps from Campus Party Europe and Santander Hackathons

Oct 25, 2013Agrifood

CAMPUS PARTY EUROPE (London, September 2013)

FIRST PRIZE (and BEST YOUNG DEVELOPER) "SMADS, smart ads for smart cities" (by Alberto Elías (Project Leader), Jorge Izquierdo, Alejandro Perezpayá and Braulio Valdivielso).

Short description: With the buzz around smart cities, people are starting to worry about having advertisements everywhere. Smart cities have an enormous potential in this field. That’s the reason why the creators of SMADS think that it is important that we make use of it. This project proposes a system in which the ads displayed to a user are chosen based on the information received from different kinds of sensors that measure, for instance, the temperature, the proximity or the humidity. SMADS is a product that makes ads appears just in the most suitable moment, according to the information coming from the sensors. This will allow advertisers to reach the users just when they need their products – so the brands will reach them in a more efficient way and will achieve a better impact.

Source code:

SECOND PRIZE "Traffic monitor" (by Justas Salkevicius)
Short description: This application tries to monitor the crowdedness of a location. It will warn if the limit of people that can be in a place is reached and about constant crowdedness. Traffic monitor will analyze the behavior in big events and traffic data to allocate the participants’ flows better. It also gathers data about shop display window and ad efficiency. 

THIRD PRIZE: "EnPhi, Feedback-Driven Environment Evaluating Platform" (by Ivan Trancik)

Short description: This project is about finding, processing and displaying correlations between people’s feelings about some place and an objective sensor data. In this way, you can figure which data (humidity, illumination, temperature, etc.) is what makes people feel better. This project will enable users to thumb-up or thumb-down their feelings about particular place. When the user makes his move, the subjective data are sent to the server, where a context is being created showing the user reviews by colors.

FOURTH PRIZE: "SociWare" (by Pau Contreras, Adrián Crespo, Pablo Iglesias, Jesús Iniesta, Jorge Lavin and Luis Polo)

Short description: This application is about giving the customers the chance to feel part of a business or an event. Using the power of smartphones, the Raspberry-Pi device and the versatility the FIWARE cloud, SociWare is a solution that provides the customers the possibility to execute codes via Twitter, generating events inside the event, like taking part in a poll to choose a favorite song or make a decision.

BEST USER INTERFACE PRIZE: "Tweetbolt, a social charger" (by Pablo García-Nieto and Adrián Martín Piñas)

Short description: Tweetbolt is targeted to technological events such as Campus Party, music festivals and congresses like MWC where no power supply is available for users as they go. This proposal is all about bringing new facilities for these places, based on charging stations with real-time notifications through the twitter API. With this software, the user can be notified whenever a device is fully charged, including security settings specifically designed for public charging stations

BEST CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET OF THINGS PRIZE: "Hotel Automation" (by Daniel López and Antonio Sánchez)

Short description: This is a project focused on space automation. It can control and manage the sensors in a hotel room. Using the sensors, it will improve the comfort of the guests and their experience

Source code:


FIRST PRIZE "MagicBox" (by Rubén Ortiz, Álvaro Romero and Ignacio Domínguez)
Short description: A demonstrator to test how to integrate the FIWARE information sources on a TV screen. This demonstrator shows how to display a general sensor information (from a 4IN1 sensors placed on Magdalena Palace) in a overlay widget over the TV signal (the user can shows and hide the information). Also, in a more specific way, the demonstrator shows how to integrate and use the 4IN1 sensors source as a security / presence detection system, with an interface adapted to be used over the TV signal.

Source code:

SECOND PRIZE "Fi-Bot" (by Jesús Domínguez and Ángel Hernández)
Short description: 
The project proved how applications based on FIWARE can effectively interact with robots in order to monitor, process and analyze data or content they gather, as well as to manage their actions. Get more info on this blog post Ángel Hernández wrote about his experience.

THIRD PRIZE I "TrafficHeat" (by Alejandro Perezpayá and Justas Salkevicius)
Short description: Traffic prediction using machine learning algorithm with data from FIWARE Cosmos enabler that is processed to get traffic predictions for a specific moment

Source code:

THIRD PRIZE  II "OpenAlerts" (by Daniel López and Antonio Sánchez)

Short description: Open Alerts is the creation of alerts in an easy and intuitive, allowing citizens to customize their own environment. For example: "If it rains , send me an email and close the blinds". First, the user chooses an event type: Rain, high temperature, motion detection, etc. Second, choose the action to perform if the event occurs: Send email, do an action on an actuator (close blinds, turn on light, etc.) and many more! Finally, all information is stored on the server and the server, whenever it detects new events, analyzes whether a user has subscribed, and which if true, executes the action you have configured.

Source code:

Read our blog posts of each event: Campus Party Europe and Santander

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