‘Powered by FIWARE’ Smart City Projects – Last Month to APPLY to frontierCities2 MAG2!

Jan 10, 2018Opportunities, Smart Cities

Acceleration programme frontierCities2 is calling all startups and SMEs with ‘Powered by FIWARE’ applications in the Smart Cities sector to apply to their MAG2 Open Call!

With up to €75,000 equity free up for grabs, 7 months of coaching and mentoring, as well as tailored technical and commercial support to succeed in the Market take-up phase, this is a fantastic opportunity for all SMEs and startups in the domain of Future Internet ‘Powered by FIWARE’ technology in the Smart Cities sector.

Curious to see if YOU are eligible for MAG2? Here are the criteria:

  • MAG2 Grants are dedicated only to powered by FIWARE applications for the Smart Cities domain, already developed during earlier EU FI-PPP programmes (Phase 1 and 2) or during the FI-PPP Phase 3 – A16 acceleration programme.
  • Applicants must be SMEs or a startups established in a EU Member State or H2020 Associated Country. (What is an SME? What are H2020 Associated Countries?)
  • Applicants must prove they had already executed a FIWARE app pilot in real life, with a relevant number of users in collaboration with a city and/or corporate/industrial partner and/or other institutional entity.
  • The solution must be FIWARE-powered!

Ready to APPLY? Click HERE to get started. For more information about this unique acceleration programme, its value proposition and the MAG2 application process, head on over to the frontierCities2 website! All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, 31st January 2018 at 5 pm CET.

Header picture by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

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