Engineering Ingegneria Informatica takes FIWARE to Japan, in the context of the EU-Japan cooperative project FESTIVAL.
During the first 18 months of the FESTIVAL project (FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatforms) the first deployment of FIWARE Generic Enablers in Japan has been successfully carried out. In particular, the Japanese partners, JR West Japan Communications Company (Japan Railways) and Kyoto Sangyo University, in collaboration with Engineering, deployed an experimental IoT platform, for the environmental monitoring, based on FIWARE in the new railways station “Maya station” (Kobe, Hyogo). The system, currently in testing phase, is running on the Cloud-IoT environment JOSE (Japan-wide Orchestrated Smart/Sensor Environment).
FESTIVAL project main aim is the federation of experimental infrastructures (testbeds) in order to provide experimenters with an integrated platform to access heterogeneous resources (Cloud, IoT, Open Data, Living Lab) to execute and monitor different kinds of distributed experiments. In the project, coordinated by CEA-Leti (France) and Osaka University (Japan), Engineering plays both roles of core technological partner, involved in the design and development of the federated experimental platform, and of FIWARE provider through its own FIWARE-Lab node that will be federated with the other testbeds, such as the already mentioned JOSE, the French IoT experimental environment “IRT-Nanoelec PTL” (Grenoble) and the Spanish smart city infrastructure “SmartSantander” (Santander).
The FESTIVAL experimental platform will be released in October 2016 and freely accessible for external experimenters by January 2017.
This will be an important step to demonstrate the FIWARE platform capabilities but also the flexibility and interoperability with other technologies and the possibility to be enhanced by the contribution of different experimenters and use cases.
FESTIVAL website:
FESTIVAL news link:
Engineering website: