The virtual International Fair of Smart Destinations (FIDI), organized by FIWARE iHub Instituto Ciudades del Futuro, the Buenos Aires Regional Faculty National Technological University, and the Big Jonan company, together with the collaboration of INVATTUR, SEGITTUR (whose prestigious institutions are renowned for their work in the Smart Tourist Destinations sector), Ministry of Tourism and Sports, and the Ministry of Productive Development of Argentina, welcomes leading companies and public officials from around the world to share experiences and knowledge about the smart destination model.
For ten days, from 20-29 November 2020, representatives of all sectors involved will be able to position their destination or brand, network, and get inspired. The virtual platform will, in turn, allow attendees to attend seminars, workshops, and take part in business rounds. FIDI hereby hopes to accommodate global participation, allow attendees to optimize their time at the event, and revolutionize the way in which technology and tourism events are run.
Join the Hackatour FIDI 2020
In this context, Instituto Ciudades del Futuro, together with the FIWARE Foundation, presents the Hackatour FIDI 2020. With this event, both organizations commit to technological innovation and disruptive ideas aimed at good data management in consolidated cities. The Hackatour brings together students and educators, institutions, entrepreneurs and companies, tourism professionals, system professionals, and innovators, who will compete in the development of FIWARE technological solutions aimed at solving the challenges posed in the competition.
The challenges posed are:
– Improve heritage conservation
– Increase the effectiveness of promoting the destination
– Provide services to tourists and citizens
Participants can choose if they want to participate:
– Individually
– In teams of 2, 3, or 4 people
For useful FIWARE resources for self-training, please visit the Hackatour FIDI webpage, or check out the the FIWARE tutorials (NGSI-V2 tutorials and NGSI-LD tutorials) and FIWARE webinars.
The deadline for participation in the Hackatour has been extended to 20 November 2020. For more information about the timeline of the Hackatour and the event as a whole, please refer to this document or visit the event website.