At the heart of the ecosystem for data and AI

The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions, and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI.

Webinar on Data Spaces in Manufacturing

Online Event

FIWARE is deeply involved in the Data Spaces Support Center and also a proud partner of the EUData4Spaces project, the support action which is preparing the deployment of the Data Spaces for Manufacturing. During this webinar FIWARE will be presenting the Data Spaces Support Centre on behalf of the consortium to the manufacturing community.

DSSC Insight Series : Understanding data spaces

Online Event

FIWARE as Data Spaces Support Centre consortium member invites you to join the DSSC Insights Series, you will have the opportunity to experience the activities and scope of the Data Space Support Centre that is aimed at initiatives and companies that want to create sovereign data spaces! In our monthly webinars, you will meet the DSSC stakeholders and actively follow the development of the Data Space Blueprint.  

Expert workshop “Preparatory action for a common European mobility data space”

Online Event

We are inviting experts in the field of mobility, transport and data space technology to join PrepDSpace4Mobility expert workshop #1 to learn more about the preliminary results of the project and give early feedback in order to sharpen the focus as needed and requested from the real market

PrepDSpace4Mobility: First Public Stakeholder Forum

PrepDSpace4Mobility project aimed at contributing to the development of the common European mobility data space by supporting the creation of a technical infrastructure that will facilitate easy, cross-border access to key data for both passengers and freight.

Market-X Conference & Expo

Aula der Wissenschaften, Wien Wollzeile 27A, Vienna, Austria

The Market-X Conference & Expo, organised by Gaia-X, is an unbeatable networking event to discover and comprehend the Gaia-X Standards, generate enthralling Gaia-X communities and join X-industry projects. FIWARE has a strong connection and long story with GAIA-X as a members of Data Spaces Business Alliance and through many EU funded projects as an active innovation enablers and drivers of digitisation across the Europe. During the event you can meet our CEO Ulrich Ahle, he‘ll also present from a stage as a DSBA leader

Data Spaces Symposium

Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre Waldorpstraat 15, Hague, Netherlands

FIWARE as active consortium member of Data Spaces Support Centre and Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA) invites you to join the largest ever event on data spaces! Get involved in aligning the diverse landscape of data space initiatives, learn from successfully running data space projects, discover the business benefits of sovereign data sharing. In short: co-create the future of data spaces!

Expert Workshop “Preparatory action for a common European mobility data space”

Online Event

As a part of PrepDSpace4Mobility FIWARE invites experts in the field of mobility, transport and data space technology to join us in our 3rd expert workshop. Europe is on its way to generate and make use of more data than ever. The project PrepDSpace4Mobility aims at contributing to the development of the common European mobility […]

MyData 2023

Wanha Satama Pikku Satamakatu 3-5, Helsinki, Finland

MyData conference is the leading international conference on human-centric personal data management. 2023 event will bring together some 800 people from over 50 countries from different sectors to meet, learn, inspire, network and collaborate. You can meet at this event our CEO Ulrich, Ahle, who will speak about data privacy and trust. As FIWARE is taking active part in Data Space development in EU and setting first building blocks in coordination with other big players to make this useful for data analyse and sharing.

The future is in data: High Value Datasets in the European Data Space

Online Event

During the webinar, you'll have the opportunity to hear about the latest trends and insights in the world of data and gain a competitive edge in your company. The objective of this digital event is to investigate how Public Administrations contribute to the Data Spaces and what can be the impact on local communities and role of private actors; what technologies will be needed for managing High Value Datasets in the data space and if new policy & business models required to enable an actual collaboration around the reuse and the exploitation of High Value Datasets

Governance for Data Spaces

Online Event

This event aims to bring together stakeholders from various domains to explore governance approaches and share experiences in managing data spaces. By presenting application examples and effective practices for sustainable mobility, energy flow management, pollution, and tourism, the webinar intends to help develop effective governance guidelines for these domains, discover potential synergies between data spaces to enable cross-sector data sharing, and foster innovation in these sectors.