Beyond Smart Cities: connecting geographies, sectors and platforms

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

“Beyond smart cities” discusses the ongoing activities and solutions when it comes to connecting geographical spaces, sectors, and platforms. They seek to solve public and citizens challenges through technology-based solutions within the framework of partnerships between multiple participants. Working across different cities or even regions and countries and with different solution providers and owners can offer fully new aspects of paths to solutions that had never been there before.

Smart AgriFood: from connected Agriculture to Data Spaces for the Food System

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

FIWARE open-source software and agri-food data models are a cornerstone to facilitate this development. New sources of data can be made accessible, while decreasing effort for aggregating, processing, providing, and accessing data. This session is presenting different practical examples for data usage at the farm site and of partners collaborating along the food supply chain towards consumers helping them to learn about their choices.

Smart Water (FIWARE Contributions to the ICT4Water action plan)

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

In 2022, the ICT4Water research cluster released an updated Digital Water Action plan calling for enablers supporting data sharing and Intelligent and smart systems deployment. The FIWARE solutions, the NGSI-LD specification and related Digital twin approach for decision support have been identified as key prospects to answer these challenges. This session will summarise the ICT4Water.

Smart Port – From cosy marinas to big shipping ports: efficiency and safety for ports and around

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

This session will show you how sea-side operations optimization functionalities significantly improve the efficiency and safety of ports. You will learn how to be interoperable with the surrounding stakeholder beyond port borders within an open-access model. Ports also have effects on the environment. Measuring air quality and water quality provides early detection of e.g. oil slicks and improves the safety for the citizens living around the port.