FIWARE Training: How to Integrate with Data Spaces

Infecar Av. de la Feria, 1, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain

Selling your data services. Marketplaces for Data Space
Advanced Identity and Access Management including.
Trust Anchor for Data Spaces

Disruptive Tech and Trends: Data Spaces

Infecar Av. de la Feria, 1, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain

Decentralized IAM based on SSI - DID & VC/VP W3C standards
Distributed Access Control
Federated Data service Marketplace for boosting the data economy

Disruptive Tech and Trends: AI and Machine Learning

Infecar Av. de la Feria, 1, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain

MLOps and MLaaS concepts in a FIWARE-enabled environment. ML-OPS with FIWARE using Cosmos. Boosting Data Economy with AI-powered Data Preparation. Continuous machine learning for Low Emission Zones

Making Data Spaces happen! (Data Spaces)

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

Visit this session to discover how FIWARE will make Data Spaces happen! Contents will give all the details and insights around the path taken in this strategic area. Beyond an overall vision on Data Spaces, we will dive deep into recent Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA) Technical Convergence specifications, elaborate on the concept of FIWARE Data Space Connector and learn about several interesting projects on data spaces run by members of the FIWARE Community.

From Data to Wisdom: putting AI/ML at Work (Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning)

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

Are you interested in how to turn your data into wisdom that drives business value, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) tools and techniques? This session will help you to discover how to integrate AI/ML functions in the architecture of smart platforms and solutions powered by FIWARE, helping to extract actionable insights out of data.

Do Robots dream of Smart Solutions? (Robotics)

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

Can robots go a step beyond dreaming of electric sheep and dream of smart solutions powered by FIWARE? This session will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about concrete challenges and concrete application scenarios which are driving the FIWARE technical roadmap on robotics and automation technologies. Whether you're working in the field of manufacturing, logistics, or agriculture, this session is a must-attend. You'll leave with a deep understanding of how to use FIWARE to optimize your operations and drive innovation with robotic systems.

Digital Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with us (Digital Twins)

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

Join and fire walk with us to unravel the secrets of how a world made of Digital Twins living in the cloud-to-edge continuum can be implemented with FIWARE components, relying on the NGSI-LD standard. Major roadmap highlights of the NGSI-LD standard will be revealed and real use cases using this technology will be presented in a thrilling session you cannot miss!

FIWARE Player One: Smart in the Metaverse (Advanced Visualization & Metaverse)

Vienna City Hall Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, Wien, Austria

Join us and learn how to take your smart solutions to the next level by leveraging the power of virtual reality (VR) platforms. Specifically, we'll dive into how VR can be used to visualize digital twin data in systems based on FIWARE, bringing your smart solutions to life in the metaverse.