Wisdom Across the Board: Federico Facca

Wisdom Across the Board: Federico Facca

WISDOM ACROSS THE BOARD   //   INTERVIEW #13 A couple of weeks ago this series introduced you to Andrea Cruciani, a member of FIWARE Foundation’s Board of Directors (BoD). This week, we bring you a perspective from Federico Facca, a member of the FIWARE BoD since...
Wisdom Across the Board: Harald Sundmaeker

Wisdom Across the Board: Harald Sundmaeker

WISDOM ACROSS THE BOARD   //   INTERVIEW #12 A couple of weeks ago, this interview series covered the profile of Ernö Kovacs, Co-chairman of the FIWARE Foundation Smart industry Mission Support Committee (MSC), and Head of IoT Research at NEC Labs Europe, NEC Europe...
Wisdom Across the Board: Federico Facca

Wisdom Across the Board: Andrea Cruciani

WISDOM ACROSS THE BOARD   //   INTERVIEW #11 Earlier this week, this series introduced you to Jose Benitez, CEO, and co-founder at Secmotic, an IoT company committed to innovation, development, and IT security. Now the time has come for us to have a one-on-one chat...