FIWARE 7.8.2 Has Been Released

FIWARE 7.8.2 Has Been Released

The FIWARE Catalogue on GitHub collates the source code of all the current Generic Enablers defined within FIWARE. To be adopted as a Generic Enabler within FIWARE, each component must fulfil a number of contribution requirements such as adopting an open-source...
Wisdom Across the Board: Agustín Cárdenas Fernández

Wisdom Across the Board: Agustín Cárdenas Fernández

WISDOM ACROSS THE BOARD   //   INTERVIEW #3 ​Last week, Albert Seubers, Director of Global Strategy IT in Cities at Atos – one of FIWARE Foundation’s founding Members – laid down how his extensive career has proved to be an added value to FIWARE’s...
Wisdom Across the Board: Agustín Cárdenas Fernández

Wisdom Across the Board: Albert Seubers

WISDOM ACROSS THE BOARD   //   INTERVIEW #2 Last week, Dario Avallone, Chairman of FIWARE Foundation’s Board of Directors – and R&D Director at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. – kicked off our Wisdom Across the Board series in style,...