FIWARE and TM Forum at the Dawn of the Data Economy

How businesses operate is fundamentally changing. These changes were recently summed up by John Hagel on his blog Edge Perspectives. He talks about how customers increasingly want to pay for usage rather than as part of an upfront model. We are seeing this with the...

FIWARE: Enabling IoT – Big Data Ecosystems

IoT and Big Data are the new wave on the Future Internet. On one hand IoT is enabling the generation of large volumes of data from its mobile connected assets. On the other hand, using Big Data analysis, extra insights, that have not been possible in the past, are...

TalkyCar: Encouraging safer and more efficient driving

Each day that passes us by, a new technology is being developed without us even being aware of it. The rapid pace of technological advancement has increased dramatically over recent years, so what is there really stopping it from progressing? You might automatically...