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micro-ROS – Putting ROS 2 onto Microcontrollers
micro-ROS puts ROS 2 onto microcontrollers, making them first class participants of the ROS 2 environment.
Trusted Digital Twins Data Connection Across the Product Life Cycle
The FIWARE Foundation is part of one of the ten selected testbeds to be presented at IoTSWC 2019.
“Every day, we see a new application of AI solving a problem”
We sat together with one of TOA’S inspiring speakers, Moojan Asghari. Passionate about the impact of AI on our lives, she leads the Women in AI.
FIWARE Foundation Attended the 2019 Tech Open Air Conference
The 2019 edition of the Tech Open Air Conference in Berlin has attracted over 20,000 participants and 150 speakers.
Moving Towards The Smart City Of The Future Through Digital Water, Data Sharing, Interoperability and Open/standard Architecture
The FIWARE4Water project is a global initiative targeted to bring the standards linking the physical and digital world for water.
SIBB Meets FIWARE – And You Can Join!
Join FIWARE and SIBB at the Smart Data Forum for their session on 'Joint Developments for Smarter Solutions for a Smart World'.
The FIWARE World LEGO City: Powering Up Smart Cities with Connected Mobility
Join FIWARE at #IoTWeek2019 in Aarhus and discover how FIWARE is powering up Smart Cities with Connected Mobility.
Innovation in Mid-sized Cities: Saint-Quentin Explores Ways to Optimize City Services
Saint-Quentin is exploring the possibilities for mid-sized cities to create value and better services for their city and citizens.
Pitch Your Smart City Solutions for Digital Twins to the Future City iHub in the Netherlands
Wanted: pitches of smart city solutions for digital twins. Apply now to the open call of the Future City iHub in the Netherlands.