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Join us at the FIWARE Open Day! Brussels March 7th
The success of the 1st FIWARE Summit proved that our community of developers, entrepreneurs, experts and contributors is expanding globally.
Italian scaleup TeamDev joins EIT Digital Accelerator and the FIWARE Foundation
EIT Digital Accelerator announced a few weeks ago that the Italian scale-up TeamDev has joined their acceleration program. Founded in 2008, TeamDev was part of the FIWARE Accelerator Programme… twice: with WiseTown –one of the top...
FIWARE Mundus with GCTC: two new workshops
As it was stated at the 1st FIWARE Summit, the FIWARE Mundus Committee keeps promoting the usage of FIWARE and the set-up of the FIWARE ecosystems at global level. FIWARE Mundus seeks to enlarge international...
My FIWARE Story: FIWARE Zone & the iHubs Programme
A couple of months before the 1st FIWARE Summit, the city of Málaga was the meeting point around sustainable urban communities, and gathered representatives from several companies and institutions that are working towards an...
ETSI launches new Group on Context Information Management: the role of FIWARE
ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, has announced the creation of a new Industry Specification Group on cross-sector Context Information Management (ISG CIM) for IoT-enabled Smart Cities and also other verticals...
FIWARE in 2017: the best is yet to come!
Recently we thanked all the FIWARE community for their participation –your participation! – In making our first Summit a complete success. A success for the Open Community!
FundingBox is joining the FIWARE Foundation
FundingBox, the largest “go to” platform to win public funding has decided to join the FIWARE Foundation as one of its Gold members.
The 1st FIWARE Summit: a success of the Open Community
It is a joy to be entitled to write something like this: the 1st FIWARE Summit was a complete success! And it is not only something that can be done… it’s a must!
Smart Cities Lab joined the FIWARE Foundation today as Gold Member
Why should we talk about FIWARE as a platform? Or even as “the platform for platforms”?