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Wisdom Across the Board: Pierre Golz
We spoke to Pierre Golz, Chief Digital Officer, city of Herne, who is in charge of moving forward the city's digitization process.
Innovation for Sustainable Tourism: Join the Hackatour FIDI 2020
With the Hackatour FIDI 2020 we commit to tech innovation and disruptive ideas aimed at good data management in consolidated cities.
ROS World Goes Digital in 2020 with FIWARE and micro-ROS
FIWARE is excited to take part in ROS World 2020 in collaboration with eProsima to present FIWARE for Robotics and micro-ROS.
European Commission Encourages Open Source Use Through FIWARE
FIWARE perfectly echoes the sentiment of the title of the EC's open source strategy, which encourages us to “Think Open”.
Wisdom Across the Board: Antonio Jara
This week, we are pleased to sit down with Antonio Jara, a BoD member since May 2019, and the CEO of HOPU.
Join the FIWARE Community at Greencities 2020 in Málaga
FIWARE is heading to Málaga on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 for Greencities 2020, 11th Forum of Urban Intelligence, and Sustainability.
Future Cities: Smart, Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable: the FIWARE & Our Future Water White Paper is Out
The white paper showcases how the FIWARE Community is implementing smart technologies that create future cities.
Challenges to the Water Sector and Ways Forward
FIWARE4Water aims to bring about the standards that connect the physical and digital world, creating replicable success stories.
FIWARE Zone’s challenge IOT 2020 searches for FIWARE-based solutions for the environmental and sustainable management of the Algeciras Port (Spain)
The new "Challenge IOT" challenge strives to tackle the problems faced by the Port Authority of Algeciras Bay.