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FIWARE Foundation Welcomes Business Reporter as its Newest Media Partner
Founded in 2006, Business Reporter is a long-established content marketing, events, and publishing company.
Wisdom Across the Board: Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva
We spoke to Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva about a topic that’s also quite close to the FIWARE Community: FIWARE iHubs.
Wisdom Across the Board: Federico Facca
This week, we bring you a perspective from Federico Facca, a member of the FIWARE BoD since 2019.
Wisdom Across the Board: Harald Sundmaeker
This week, we turned our attention to the Smart AgriFood sector as we spoke to Harald Sundmaeker from the Smart AgriFood MSC.
Wisdom Across the Board: Andrea Cruciani
Andrea is a member of the FIWARE Foundation BoD as well as the Chair of the Smart AgriFood Mission Support Committee.
Wisdom Across the Board: Jose Benitez
Today we bring you a perspective from Jose Benitez, CEO, and Co-founder at Secmotic, a Spanish-based IoT company.
Wisdom Across the Board: Ernö Kovacs
We sat together with Ernö Kovacs, the Co-chairman of FIWARE Foundation’s Smart industry Mission Support Committee (MSC).
Getting Started with micro-ROS: Core and Advanced Tutorials
Want to get started with micro-ROS? The project offers both core and advanced tutorials to help familiarize new users with the technology.
Fighting Climate Change With FIWARE – Version 4.0 is Out!
Climate change is the crisis of our time. FIWARE has a lot to say about CLIMATE – and not only to say.