FIWARE NGSI version 2 Release Candidate

The FIWARE NGSI version 2 API has reached the release candidate status. That means that we consider the current specification quite stable and mature, although there are still open issues. However, we expect that the resolution of those issues will not affect the main...

TM Forum Open Hack winners: Racing to make cities smarter

“The standard has been the highest I have seen at any recent hack”. That is how Joann O’Brien –Vice President, Agile Collaboration, TM Forum– summarized the event that she has been leading: the TM Forum Open Hack 2016, in Nice, France. In the most recent edition of...

FIWARE: Enabling IoT – Big Data Ecosystems

IoT and Big Data are the new wave on the Future Internet. On one hand IoT is enabling the generation of large volumes of data from its mobile connected assets. On the other hand, using Big Data analysis, extra insights, that have not been possible in the past, are...

Coachademy: App for Corporate Wellness

#MyFIWAREStory Just a few days ago, the Dutch Freelance Barometer (ZZP Barometer) published a report showing that 68% of freelancers suffer from too much stress. The problem is as serious among ‘regular employees’ as well: 22% of European workers suffer from too much...

URBI: The solution to car sharing problems everywhere!

Shared transportation is not so much of a new trend, but one constantly renewing and revitalising its resources and what is has to offer us. The demand for more economical alternatives surrounding communication in cities ascended since the rising interest in urban...