FIWARE Tour Guide Application now ready!

One of the aspects we have been improving during the past few months is the availability of tutorial materials for FIWARE developers. After releasing the FIWARE Tour Guide, now we are proud to announce that the FIWARE Tour Guide Application is up and running. ...


Cities are almost as old as society itself, their birth being surrounded by mysteries and legends such as the one of Romulus and Remus and the foundation of Rome. Since then, since the times of Roman urbanism, our urban environments have changed a lot. Not only in...

Apps Speak Louder Than Words

It is hardly possible to remember when the word “smart” was first used to describe a service, or some kind of technology, or a city. Shortly after we heard someone speak about smartphones for the first time, we were speaking of smart televisions, smart...

Open & Agile Smart Cities Initiative at Tampere (Finland)

Some months ago, we announced that the amount of cities joining the Open & Agile initiative had climbed up to 50. “Capitals and cities with a population of millions, as well as small- and medium-sized cities are finding their role in this pragmatic network...