FIWARE Accelerator Programme First Call in Figures

Now that the first FIWARE Open Call is over, we are happy to share with you all the information regarding the selected teams and how the efforts of the accelerators will spread all throughout Europe. Do you want to know which country has presented more proposals? Or...

The 5 greatest things of Campus Party Brasil 2015

Whether you attended Campus Party Brasil last week because you like videogames or because you simply love technology, because you’re a geek (and proud!) or a businessman, there were some things you definitely must have seen. Do you think Carnival is the only...

FIWARE Mundus: the next FIWARE step!

FIWARE Mundus is looking at expanding the FIWARE ecosystem in European regions and at international level. As Jacques Magen from InterInnov stated during Le Web 2014 in Paris last december, “we bring FIWARE to your region”. For the first time the...

Keep your scanners peeled with FIWARE

This post tells the use of FIWARE made by the developers of BotCar/Wadjet, winners of the mention as Best IoT Solution in the FIWARE Excellence Challenge (October 2014). Thanks to them for the collaboration! I'm sure you remember The Knight Rider well, don't...