Smart city events in Spain: Seville, Malaga and Zaragoza

FI-WARE is going to make three major presentations to explain the capabilities of the Platform. They shall take place in Seville, (November 6th), Malaga (November 8-9th) and Zaragoza (November 8-9th). Those event are part of the efforts to explain to spanish SME the...

The launch of the 2nd Open Call is nearing!

So this is it. The 1st Open Call Evaluation is finished now and we have been busy these days putting together the information and sending the results to all the proposers. The next steps are basically formal procedures with the new partners and effectively...

Proposals, proposals and more proposals!

The 1st Open Call has received 17 high quality proposals, 5 of them addressing the BM&BE topic and 12 the Middleware topic. The degree of interest is very high if we take into account that the topics proposed are rather focused in scope. The proposers are a quite...