New FAQs for the 1st Open Call published

Check out our dedicated Open Call FAQ wiki page for the last update of the most Frequently Asked Questions on the running Open Call. This page will have further updates in the coming days. We suggest to follow us on the Social Networks where we will publicize them as...

I2ND Chapter meeting finalised first technical roadmap

The I2ND chapter partners met in Stuttgart, hosted at Alcatel-Lucent premises. Inside FI-WARE, the I2ND chapter provides a number of heterogeneous Generic Enabler specifications and implementations dealing with networking elements like Open Networks and Network...

Presentation at the European Parliament

We have presented  FI-WARE at the EU parliament. This is an important event for us because we are leaving the purely technical forums and entering into the real world of users, the main objective of our project. The presentation has taken place in the context of the...