Evolving Cosmos Global Instance: new storage cluster released

The arising of Cygnus as a tool able to build historic collections of context data fired the usage of a wide variety of storages, the Global Instance of Cosmos among them. Such a global instance was designed as a shared Hadoop cluster where both storage and computing...

The Rule of Three at Connected Smart Cities Conference

They say that good things come in threes. New ideas are easier to understand when they are broken into three components. We are more likely to remember information when it is divided up into three categories. And organising things into threes has a more engaging...

FIWARE in 2015: A Year of Products, Partnerships and Platforms

As the sun sets on the 2015 year, we celebrate and give thanks to everyone who has contributed to making the FIWARE community what it is today. This year has been about building products, forging new partnerships and stabilizing our platform, and we are excited to...