CORS Support for Orion Context Broker

The latest release of Orion Context Broker (0.22) includes CORS support for GET requests. What that means in practice? It means that you can query context data from your Web App without having to develop a server-side component to act as a proxy for Orion. How to...

RenalHelp: Technology to help people with chronic kidney disease

The following post has been written by the team of RenalHelp. We would like to thank them for their collaboration and willingness to participate. People with chronic kidney disease have to meet very complicated diets, and take a lot of medication. Tracking all this is...

FIWARE at StartUp Weekends

Being present at StartUp Weekends has probably been one of the best experiences for the FIWARE team. It is truly amazing to see how people, who were strangers to each other before that very day, can work together and build great digital services in just two days. It...