FIWARE Academy

This post has been written by Davide Dalle Carbonare, responsible for FIWARE Academy. We would like to thank him for his collaboration and willingness. The FIWARE Academy is the training platform of the FIWARE technology. All the people interested in adopting the...

Málaga CitySense, citizen as a sensor

Speaking about Smart Cities is not futuristic. In cities such as Málaga is already a reality. Hundreds of electronic devices, also called beacons, scattered through the entire city, gather different information that can be useful to enhance the efficiency of...

FIWARE and the Internet of “FIelds”

Imagine a world where stalks could tell farmers they need more nutrients, or where the ground could tell the sprinkler how much water it needs, or where a farm could warn others about the particular pest that infested it. Now that smart cities are on everyone’s...