Introducing the micro-ROS Client Library

Introducing the micro-ROS Client Library

The micro-ROS client library provides the micro-ROS API for the user code, for instance for application-level micro-ROS nodes. The overall goal here is to provide all relevant ROS 2 concepts in suitable implementations for microcontrollers, and where possible, API...
Introduction to the micro-ROS Framework

Introduction to the micro-ROS Framework

micro-ROS is a robotic framework targeting embedded and deep-embedded robot components with extremely constrained computational resources. These devices have special characteristics: a minimum real-time operating system or no operating system, battery-powered,...
FIWARE 7.8.2 Has Been Released

FIWARE 7.8.2 Has Been Released

The FIWARE Catalogue on GitHub collates the source code of all the current Generic Enablers defined within FIWARE. To be adopted as a Generic Enabler within FIWARE, each component must fulfil a number of contribution requirements such as adopting an open-source...