Trustworthy data exchange across systems and organizations, together with the definition of open standard APIs and information models enabling portability and interoperability of applications, are becoming key drivers of Industrie 4.0 and its evolution. FIWARE is working on reference architectures and information models to help manufacturing companies in their digital transformation.
The FIWARE Foundation will be returning to Hannover Messe this year from April 1st to April 5th to showcase its value proposition for Industrie 4.0. FIWARE will once again be sharing their booth with the International Data Spaces Association. Joining us in Hall 8, C25 is a group of partners who will be representing several FIWARE-powered solutions and use cases for Smart Industry.
Zero Defect Manufacturing
In this use case, CAPVIDIA, EPFL, Georg Fischer AG, FIWARE, IDSA, Innovalia Metrology, and prostep ivip, show how the maintenance of Milling and Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) can be improved by exchanging plant data.
This use case demonstrates how factories can overcome information silos implementing IDS and FIWARE open source technologies. Maintenance of CMMs can be improved through the exchange of their data. The FIWARE – IDS Connectors ensure sovereignty on data and guarantee the security of processing of this information.
The demo is further extended by the operation analysis of the parts that were manufactured using the milling machine. Once sensors are added to these parts and using Digital Twins, the factory is able to inspect the performance of produced parts.
Innovalia Group also leads the Boost 4.0 initiative, the biggest European initiative in Big Data for Industry 4.0. Boost 4.0 will also be present at the FIWARE-IDSA stand.
Fleet Management for the Future
Fueloyal provides 100% customized fleet and asset management platform. Not all companies are the same, why should the software be the same?
They deliver a unique solution tailored to fit 100% of your needs.

The EU Initiative to Digitalise the Manufacturing Industry
ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) is a program promoted by the European Commission to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe. I4MS offers SMEs and mid-caps with a wide range of opportunities and services, including best practices, open calls, a skills catalogue, an acceleration program, and more.
Smart Logistics 4.0 Powered by FIWARE
Cefriel, a Competence Center of the MIDIH network, in cooperation with CRF and Engineering, has developed a custom outdoor tracker for industry logistic able to track position, temperature, humidity, shocks, and vibrations. Called “OLOGER” (Outdoor LOGistic trackER), the tracker can be customized for specific scenarios.
prostep ivip and its Mars Rover Journey
The prostep ivip Association has launched an initiative to experience the product creation process in all its phases based on open standards. The aim is to furnish the necessary means and testbeds for seamless and end-to-end collaboration “from cradle to grave”. The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has released an Open Source Mars Rover built with the same suspension system defined in the original design of Curiosity. The Mars Rover is now used as the ideal object, extended with additional features to experience the digital thread.
DIDA Platform – The Open Highway to Industrial Analytics
A smart data analytics and visualization Powered-by FIWARE solution, developed within the EIT High Impact Initiative named “OEDIPUS”, enabling Open Source adoption for industrial efficiency and improved decision making. The project is a collaboration between FIWARE Foundation Platinum Member Engineering and EIT Digital.
Follow FIWARE at Hannover Messe
FIWARE & IDSA Booth Opening
2 April 2:30 pm
Hall 8, Stand C25
FIWARE and IDSA: Data Sovereignty for Industrie 4.0 (in German)
Ulrich Ahle (CEO, FIWARE Foundation)
Lars Nagel (Managing Director, International Data Spaces Association)
4 April 10:30-11 am
Forum Industrie 4.0 (Hall 8, Stand D17)
FIWARE & IDSA Networking Event
4 April 11 am
Hall 8, Stand C25