• Have you made a solid recognised contribution to the FIWARE Community?
  • Do you have a thorough cross-chapter understanding of all aspects of FIWARE including the latest developments in the catalogue?
  • Can you describe how to architect FIWARE-based solutions properly at scale?
  • Are you up-to-date with all aspects of the NGSI inference and other FIWARE fundamentals?
  • Do you have a solid understanding of what it takes to make a product FIWARE-ready?

If you were able to answer all of those questions with a definite “yes”, and you wish to be recognised by your peers in the FIWARE Community as an acknowledged expert, then sign up for the FIWARE Experts Certification Program.


  • A candidate must submit a body of work for review which defines their basic competence in FIWARE.
  • Each item from the body of work should be available publicly and linked to the online presence of the candidate.
  • If the body of work is not public, the examiners must sign a non-disclosure agreement, and the discussion of the body-of-work may take place in camera.
  • The examiners will review the body of work prior to the examination and decide if it is sufficient for the candidate to proceed. If it is not judged to be sufficient, amendments/additions will be requested prior to the examination
The face-to-face examination will consist of the following parts:

  • Discussion of the body-of-work
  • Teaching / Demonstration of one or several aspects of FIWARE
  • Discussion on correct Architecture for “Powered by FIWARE” solutions/platforms
  • Discussion on NGSI interfaces
  • Discussion on “FIWARE-ready” technologies
  • Examiners will be provided with a marking sheet for each examination.
  • Each mark on the mark sheet will consist of two types of sections: General and Essential.
  • Each section will be graded over a series of subsections.
  • During each section of the examination, the examiner will grade the section as A- Excellent Pass, B- Good Pass, C- Pass, D- Borderline or E- Fail or along with comments justifying their decisions.
  • At the end of the examination, the board will discuss the results, come to a common conclusion of each section and provide an overall mark of PASS or FAIL.
  • General sections may be passed with an overall mark of A or B, C – some subsections can be rated D.
  • Essential sections must be passed with a mark of A or B, C – no subsections can be rated D.


For more information about the program and the application and examination process, please read the applicants guide.


Our open call is open at all times.
Please fill out the following form to submit your application.