AGRICOLUS is a cloud applications ecosystem for precision farming with multiple purposes: disease awareness and forecasts, crop monitoring, decision support system for treatments and fertilizers, farm management, and end-to-end traceability bringing valuable information to final users.
AGRICOLUS DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM is a composition of several vertical products that leverage a common architecture, that covers up to 70% of functionalities common to all the crops, and dedicated professional algorithms for disease forecasting and agricultural optimizations. Data are collected through satellites, drones, IoT, dedicated apps, and soon with our own plug&play AgriPlug device that connects tractors and other Precision Farming Devices to AGRICOLUS SaaS cloud. We also provide AGRITRACK: an end-to-end tracking service that can bring information on good agronomic practices directly to the end-users to raise their awareness of the real value of the goods they are buying.
AGRICOLUS is already on the market and multinational agroholding companies, medium-big farms, association of farmers and government are using it successfully.
Today farmers face several challenges, we are mostly working on:
International market competition with products coming from unruled countries that produce at a very low cost. The effect is a reduction of the profit due to the need of reducing final selling prices. For this reason, they have to reduce costs and increase quality at the same time. Climate change requires continuous adaptation of the best time to proceed with any agricultural operation (seeding, fertilizing, manuring, irrigating, harvesting, …). They need real-time support to understand the right timing for these operations. AgriTech adoption is not an option but average usage in the EU is far below 10% versus 80% of North America and Australia: farmers need a way to integrate these technologies into daily tasks.
Agro holding companies that want to standardize with AGRICOLUS good practices among their suppliers (farmers) Association of farmers that want to support their associates with better tools providing high value technologies Medium big farms that can reduce costs and have better control, and an end-to-end traceability of the production Government in agricultural department that uses our product to raise farmers awareness on diseases and other agricultural treats
Other than the Accelerators we participated in, we are winners of: SEUA 2016 Italian Prizes (EBAN, IAG prizes), ( SpinUp Awards 2017 (Grand Jury Prize), FoodTech 2017 (Intesa San Paolo), ForumPA 10x10 finalist.