Bluetooth Low Energy device that works as a beacon for the visibly impaired.Outbarries is born from the real need to help people with vision problems.
Outbeacon is a Bluetooth Low Energy device that works as a beacon, and it's the key part of the Outbarriers System. This device is autonomous and is powered by button cells. For this reason, it's very important for efficient maintenance, a simple monitoring process using FIWARE IoT technologies.
Make your company visible to everybody by placing an Outbarriers beacon at the entrance. The beacon is autonomic, discrete, and does not require any internet connection. If the beacon is placed by the door, it will notify all the people that have the app, that your company supports Outbarriers.
The accessibility of your business is one of the key factors in increasing your target market. Outbarriers make it possible for you to reach people with severe vision problems. Thanks to a beacon in your establishment, you will be able to add your company to its list of trusted businesses.