FIWARE-Ready: Wellness TechGroup - WeLight (Internet of Things,Open Data,Data Analytics)

WeLight is a Remote Management System for Public Lighting, which allows the monitoring and control of lighting and the optimisation and management of the maintenance, whilst monitoring consumption and reacting to deviations.

WeLight Smart Lighting system was developed to improve the quality and efficiency of public lighting for enhanced service and a better user experience. Integrating new technologies in the public lighting infrastructure has the potential to generate savings, optimize processes, and facilitate improved decision-making. It establishes a base for the implementation of a smart digital platform to manage other city services, a step towards becoming a Smart City.

WeLight monitors and controls the public lighting infrastructure, detecting irregularities in consumption or operational malfunctions, as well as compiling consumption and savings reports. The system helps managers to prepare inventories and carry out both preventative and corrective maintenance. This solution not only guarantees energy efficiency but is also key for public and traffic safety.

Remotely managed lighting, along with the integration of devices like artificial vision cameras and influx or noise sensors, form a smart security system for public safety and security agencies. Likewise, remote management of luminaires with color variations can be used for adaptive decorative lighting and tourism during public events, seasons, etc.

Wellness TechGroup offers an end-to-end solution for optimal service, made up of IoT devices such as Unigate or Actis, as well as the complete WeLight software platform.

With these components, the solution allows for several distribution models: remote management at the top of the electrical panel (control panel and circuits) and point-to-point remote management, both of which are compatible with conventional lamps (halide, sodium vapor, mercury vapor, etc.) and LED. Or, through wireless LPWA communications (LoRaWAN, Sigfox, cellular) or PLC (Power Line Communications). In addition, system distribution is made easy and agile using a mobile application. WeLight uses multi-operator SIMs, ensuring high-quality network connection and coverage. Security measures are implemented in both hardware and software (VPNs, SSL certificates, etc.) so that all information can be securely transferred online.

WeLight is a flexible modular solution with multiple configurations and distribution options using a software as a service (SaaS) or licensing model.

In short, WeLight Smart Lighting offers reliable alerts for critical real-time decision-making, allowing cities to react quickly to irregularities. Improved Management:

Integration and Scalability:


Use cases:

Street lighting can be an ideal platform to support additional services due to its presence in remote areas, connectivity to the electricity grid, and proximity to people.

Thanks to IoT technology, lighting can be equipped with intelligence and connectivity, converting each luminaire into a data server (data-enabled lighting). This converts the system into a service that goes beyond just lighting. Luminaries become nodes in the IoT ecosystem.

Wellness TechGroup WeLight