FIWARE Training – FIWARE Developers’ week

“FIWARE developers’ week” has been designed to take place along a full week to initiate SMEs properly in the FIWARE ecosystem. The objective is to provide some initial high-level technical introduction to FIWARE with lab exercises, enabling developers to make hands on the technology and try coding. 

This training programme will take place the week of March 9th in Madrid. Venue has already been confirmed to be the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telefomunicación in C/ Avenida de la Complutense, 30 ( We will be able to host 200 developers.

You can register at this link:

Visit the FIWARE Developer’s Week site to know more about when and where will be the next one!

FIWARE is about lowering the barriers of innovation. Firstly by means of providing a comprehensive and integrated set of technology enablers making it very simple to create smart applications that connect to the Internet of Things, manage context data or media content at large scale in real time, perform Big Data analysis or incorporate advanced 3D and augmented reality features in the user interface among other things. This way, entrepreneurs can focus their efforts in the development of those rather differential features at application level.

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