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Telenet Group

Telenet Tinx

Telenet Tinx is a device and data management platform for smart cities. It relies on the Microsoft Azure Services to provide the capability of connecting any IoT Devices at a large scale and managing huge incoming amounts of data with the required guarantee of reliability and availability for cities

Telenet Group

Telenet Tinx

Telenet Tinx is a device and data management platform for smart cities. It relies on the Microsoft Azure Services to provide the capability of connecting any IoT Devices at a large scale and managing huge incoming amounts of data with the required guarantee of reliability and availability for cities

Description and Benefits

Telenet Tinx relies on the Microsoft Azure Services to provide the capability of connecting any IoT devices at a large scale and managing huge incoming amounts of data with the required guarantees on reliability and availability for cities.

Moreover, analytics capabilities are also provided by the platform to trigger near real-time actions or notifications to devices or citizens. Furthermore, the platform embraces the principles of Open Data and Open Standards by implementing the FIWARE NGSIv2 data models and providing data context-awareness in a highly available, scalable, and flexible environment powered by Microsoft Azure.

Telenet Tinx
verifiedYear of validation2019


  • Internet of Things
  • Open Data
  • Data Analytics


  • Cities
Company Information
Telenet Group

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