Synchronicity IoT Large Scale Pilots Selection Announcement

Synchronicity IoT Large Scale Pilots Selection Announcement

Sixteen new IoT Large Scale Pilots selected to shape the global market for Smart Cities and Communities [Brussels, 3 December 2018] – SynchroniCity, the European IoT Large Scale Pilot for Smart Cities and Communities, has selected 16 pilots out of the 131 groups...
The FIWARE iHubs Community Continues to Strengthen and Grow

The FIWARE iHubs Community Continues to Strengthen and Grow

During the last FIWARE Global Summit held in Málaga, the iHub Committee announced two new iHubs in Cologne (Germany) and Badajoz (Spain). Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva, former interim chairman of the FIWARE iHubs Committee, was also elected as chairman. Juan Marcelo is...