DSSC Insight Series : Understanding data spaces

Online Event

FIWARE as Data Spaces Support Centre consortium member invites you to join the DSSC Insights Series, you will have the opportunity to experience the activities and scope of the Data Space Support Centre that is aimed at initiatives and companies that want to create sovereign data spaces! In our monthly webinars, you will meet the DSSC stakeholders and actively follow the development of the Data Space Blueprint.  

Expert workshop “Preparatory action for a common European mobility data space”

Online Event

We are inviting experts in the field of mobility, transport and data space technology to join PrepDSpace4Mobility expert workshop #1 to learn more about the preliminary results of the project and give early feedback in order to sharpen the focus as needed and requested from the real market

Smart Madinah Forum (SMF2023)

King Salman International Convention Center Madinah

The event brings an exciting opportunity to exchange about how to design the Smart Cities of the future towards achievement of SDGs and a sustainable economic growth. FIWARE has strong partnership with the city of Madinah as a Platinum member of FIWARE community and Madinah's City platform Raseel is based on FIWARE technology. Our CTO Juanjo Hierro during SMF23 participates in panel disccussion dedicated to FIWARE standardisation and Open-Source orientation. Several FIWARE members will also be present on the event.

FIWARE Community Meeting

FH Technikum Wien Höchstädtpl. 6, Vienna, Austria

The target of this get-together is to establish a network of common interest and to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and solutions. The community meeting will be ineresting for both FIWARE users and interested parties.

Call for Contributions submission deadline

Be a part of the summer appointment for trendsetters, decision-makers, and game-changers! Share your stories, insights, experiences, and vision with an innovation-hungry audience seeking to succeed in tomorrow's digital economy. Submit your proposals by February 28!

Data Spaces Symposium

Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre Waldorpstraat 15, Hague, Netherlands

FIWARE as active consortium member of Data Spaces Support Centre and Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA) invites you to join the largest ever event on data spaces! Get involved in aligning the diverse landscape of data space initiatives, learn from successfully running data space projects, discover the business benefits of sovereign data sharing. In short: co-create the future of data spaces!

Smart Cities India Expo

Pragati Maidan Mathura Road, New Delhi, Delhi, India

Smart Cities India Expo reflects India’s emerging modernisation and development landscape and integrates transformative technologies with the key pillars of Urban Development Green Buildings, Clean Energy, Clean Environment, Water, Urban Mobility and the use of Smart ICT for optimising resources and making cities smart and sustainable.

FIWARE Global Summit Insight Series. Data Spaces: from Data to Value?

Online Event

Join the FIWARE Global Summit '23 Insight Series! This webinar offers an exclusive sneak preview of the Summit and highlights Data Spaces as it‘s fastly growing and strategic. All the key players of Data Spaces will be at the FIWARE Global Summit. It‘s the best time to meet sector drivers and ideologists to get a first-hand view of this topic.

Smart city Forum

Haus Cumberland Kurfürstendamm 194, Berlin, Germany

The Smart City Forum has developed into the largest German network for digitisation in urban areas. The aim of the network is to accompany the digital transformation of cities and municipalities and at the same time to promote the implementation of the EU's climate protection goals in the context of the European innovation partnership "Smart Cities and Communities".

FIWARE Netzwerktreffen: Verschiedene Welten miteinander verbinden (DE)

Flughafen Tegel (InfoCenter) Berlin, Germany

Last year we founded our German speaking community meetings for FIWARE users and interested peers. Now we invite you to our second German-speaking Networking Group (Netzwerktreffen) that will take place on March 30 at Berlin TXL, the famous Berlin Tegel ex-airport, currently undergoing a redevelopment for up to 8 billion euros. The project includes the creation of a technology park with housing, research centers, and business incubators. We are planning a district visit to the famous new TXL city project with FIWARE as a smart city platform.