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2nd FIWARE Summit: growing global together
The 2nd FIWARE Summit, hosted by the city of Utrecht and the FIWARE Lab Netherlands, from Monday 29th to Wednesday 31st of May.
Powered by FIWARE Smart Solutions at the 2nd FIWARE Summit (Part 2)
Second and last part of the reviwe of the 15 Smart Solutions, based on FIWARE technology, that will be showcased at the Demo Area of the FIWARE Summit in Utrecht.
Powered by FIWARE Smart Solutions at the 2nd FIWARE Summit (part 1)
15 Smart Solutions based on FIWARE technology will be showcased at the Demo Area of the FIWARE Summit in Utrecht, demonstrating how our open source software components have been used by more than a thousand startups to develop their products and services.
FIWARE Summit in Utrecht: agenda, speakers and new activities
We are roughly two weeks away from the 2nd FIWARE Summit. The FIWARE Community will meet in Utrecht from 29th to 31st of May.
FIWARE goes to Edmonton: 1st Canadian workshop
Edmonton Research Park and the FIWARE Foundation are joining together to deliver a full-day information session to define and illustrate the many uses and benefits of the technology and the community it has developed. After the participation of...
Internet of Things World Europe: get your free pass
Internet of Things World Europe, the most comprehensive IoT event to engage enterprises across both Industrial and Consumer IoT, is returning on 13-15 June 2017 as part of London Tech Week's new festival of technology TechXLR8. The event will be...
Situm Indoor Positioning: highest accuracy, zero infrastructure
We are well accustomed to the GPS and map applications, that we use to optimize our routes when traveling from one city to another, or between two points within a city. A number of comercial possibilities have unfolded upong such services,...
Industry 4.0 meets the Industrial Internet: FIWARE at the Hannover Messe
Related to its lead theme, 'Integrated Industry - Creating Value', Hannover Messe 2017 presents its program and special area around Industry 4.0, pointing out how the digital industry “requires answers and solutions for different topics: Man and...
Connecting each island to a global ecosystem: FIWARE at the SIWC17
With a similar aim but a more specific focus, the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) has originated the Smart Island World Congress. The smart areas and populations that embark themselves in the process of improving the sustainability,...