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OAuth2-based authorization and authentication in Cosmos WebHDFS at FIWARE Lab
APIs in FIWARE should be RESTful APIs. And RESTful APIs in FIWARE should be protected with OAuth2”. This sentence, which is true for most of the enablers in FIWARE, did not completely applied for Cosmos BigData. Until now.
FIWARE Open-Source Community: Governance Model available for comments
In the process of creating the FIWARE Community, a public open and transparent consultation is now open for comments and contributions to the FIWARE Community Governance Model. The FIWARE Community Governance Model has...
FIWARE Orion Data Source Now Available for Freeboard™
We are excited to announce that the FIWARE Orion data source is now available on Freeboard! In a nutshell, Freeboard allows FIWARE developers to build real-time, interactive dashboards and visualizations in a matter of minutes using the...
What makes a Smart App?
The following post is a collaboration by Benedikt Herudek, consultant at Accenture. We would like to thank him for his collaboration and willingness to participate. FIWARE applications are all about creating smart services and that requires...
The FIWARE Accelerator Programme keeps working hand-in-hand with startups
Some of our latest (and greatest) news, such as new cities joining the Open & Agile Smart Cities Initiative or our participation in the Global City Teams Challenge in Washington D.C., have made us forget a little about the FIWARE Accelerator...
Learn how to develop an app like Fonesense with FIWARE
Learn, thanks to some videos that we have published on our Youtube channel, how to develop with FIWARE and how to use some of our generic enablers to build your own project. During the following weeks, we will share these videos and their...
FIWARE and related Smart City Applications demonstrated at the Global City Team Challenge Festival in Washington DC (USA), 1-2 June 2015
A FIWARE delegation composed of representatives from three start-ups from the SpeedUpEurope accelerator, representatives from the City of Valencia (Spain), a representative of the energy utility company from the City of Oldenburg in Germany, as...
IoT Tutorial – Orion Context Broker & Arduino
By Telefónica R&D Chile. This tutorial will be divided into parts for easier reading and practical purposes. 1. Introduction to the technologies used 2. Hardware configuration 3. Arduino, software and communications 4. Orion Context Broker...
CORS Support for Orion Context Broker
The latest release of Orion Context Broker (0.22) includes CORS support for GET requests. What that means in practice? It means that you can query context data from your Web App without having to develop a server-side component to act as a...