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The battle over the “Internet of things”
The following post is an adaptation of the article written by Erich Möchel and published in FM4.ORF. We would like to thank him for his interest. This week, an open-source project funded to the tune of millions by the European Commission...
Consortium and EBU announce FIWARE Lab NL
The Netherlands will soon have its first FIWARE Lab node. This was announced by a consortium of 5 companies (Civity, Deloitte, Elba-Rec, Onetrail and Xcellent), supported by the Economic Board Utrecht. This initiative makes the Netherlands walk...
Digital Single Market: bringing down barriers to unlock online opportunities
“Our economies and societies are going digital. Future prosperity will depend largely on how well we master this transition. Europe has strengths to build on, but also homework to do, in particular to make sure its industries adapt, and...
According to its webpage, “Cyberlightning is the leading 3D Internet Company with next generation controlling and monitoring solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) networks in the Smart City context. At the moment we are developing...
FIWARE DEVELOPERS’ WEEK: Start developing with FIWARE now!
Since the beginning of March, developers and SMEs had the chance to learn how to develop with FIWARE in FIWARE Developers’ Weeks, events organized by Telefónica and aiming to help developers start from scratch. Attendees could...
Spotlight on FIcontent Specific Enablers for Media & Content
The following post has been written by the team of FIcontent. We would like to thank them for their collaboration and their willingness to participate. The advent and spread of the Internet as well as the development of connected devices have...
FI-C3 First Open Call Statistics & Results
Now that the second FIWARE Open Calls are being opened, the accelerator FI-C3 has shared with us their results in the first one. They have finally chosen the best 12 projects from the 229 submissions they did receive. FI-C3 is considering...
FIWARE: the strength of a Transatlantic
The last time we spoke about FIWARE Mundus, we anticipated that FIWARE would soon reach the other side of the Atlantic. A FIWARE Mundus delegation would attend a meeting in Toronto, Canada on 23 March. Several representatives from Canadian...
Winners of the Net Futures 2015 FIWARE Challenge
After two days of FIWARE training at the FIWARE Developers Week in Brussels by FIWARE experts and one and a half days of intensive coaching by FI-Business and FInish, one of the accelerators from the FIWARE Accelerator Programme, regarding How...