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A year of innovation – FIWARE in 2014
After so much work, the year 2014 is now coming to an end –a year full of great moments and memories for the FIWARE team. If we were to summarize the last twelve months in just one phrase, it would definitely be “constant...
Kurento received 2014 WebRTC Conference & Expo V Demo Award
The following post is an adaptation of a press release delivered by Kurento. We would like to thank them for their collaboration and to congratulate them for receiving these awards. HOT NEWS! FIWARE gets "Best of Show" award at WebRTC...
EuropeanPioneers funds 12 StartUps with over 2 Million Euros
The following post has been written by the team of one of the 16 FIWARE accelerators, EuropeanPioneers. We would like to thank them their collaboration and invite all others to share with us as many materials as they might want. Today...
FIWARE Academy
This post has been written by Davide Dalle Carbonare, responsible for FIWARE Academy. We would like to thank him for his collaboration and willingness. The FIWARE Academy is the training platform of the FIWARE technology. All the people...
Generic Enablers & eHealth Applications – The Shock Index
The following post has been written by the FI-STAR Team at their blog. We would like to thank their collaboration. If you want to learn more about FIWARE eHealth uses, please read this post in our blog. Professor Christoph Thuemmler,...
FIWARE Accelerator Programme – December 2014 Update
€ 80 Million Direct Funding +Technical Training | Business Coaching | Networking We are reaching out to startups and entrepreneurs all over Europe to help them create their innovative projects with FIWARE. Sixteen accelerators specialized...
Contribute to FIWARE Lab Ecosystem with your own IoT!
The following post was written by Carlos Ralli Ucendo. We would like to thank him for his helpfulness and his collaboration. FIWARE Lab enables you to connect IoT devices in a private environment for your own Apps exploitation, but it also...
Winners of FIWARE Challenges keep working on their apps!
In its efforts to foster young innovation and entrepreneurship in terms of digital services, FIWARE has lately organized some challenges for developers using our technology to build their own apps. Do you remember the last challenges, FIWARE...
Keep your scanners peeled with FIWARE
This post tells the use of FIWARE made by the developers of BotCar/Wadjet, winners of the mention as Best IoT Solution in the FIWARE Excellence Challenge (October 2014). Thanks to them for the collaboration! I'm sure you remember The Knight...