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Connect your own “Internet of Things” to FIWARE Lab!
This post aims to provide IoT enthusiasts & makers with the basic information to connect any kind of devices to FIWARE Lab so they (or any other developer) may use the information provided to build useful Apps. With devices we really mean...
Presentation: A Basic Guide to FIWARE
Gradually there are more and more people who are familiar with FIWARE: through our Challenges and Hackathons, through the FIWARE Bootcamps we are having all over Europe with Startup Weekend, or the many conferences we attend. But there is lot of...
Selected teams to compete in the finals of the Smart Society Challenge
We have just received the selection of teams that will participate in FI-WARE's Smart Society Challenge! The Smart Society Challenge will award a total of € 200,000 to find the most innovative projects that pursue...
Developing IPv6-enabled Apps with FIWARE
This post provides developers with an introduction to developing IPv6-aware and accessible Apps/Products with FIWARE & FIWARE Lab. Thanks to our IPv6 expert, #arroba#CarlosRalli, for his collaboration! Last June 6th was the 2nd anniversary...
The Internet Of Things: How Can We Really Add Value?
This article is written by Arjun Mali, an emerging thought leader in the field of the Internet of Things. This guest post is a contribution from our partners UP Europe, who are hosting a series of FI-WARE Bootcamps within Start Up Weekends all...
MapReduce really was invented by Julius Caesar
You've probably heard that MapReduce, the programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel and distributed algorithm on a cluster, the cornerstone of the Big Data eclosion, was invented by Google. What if...
The first Spanish city to centralize all municipal information will do it on a FI-WARE based platform!
Source: Telefonica's Digital Hub Valencia City Council has announced that it has awarded the Valencia Smart City tender to Telefónica. It will be the first Spanish city to centralise all of its municipal information through...
‘Smartaxi, the app for taxi drivers’ by Román Ortin
Don’t you sometimes wonder why there are so many taxis but how, when you really need one, you can't find one? Smartaxi collects, in real time, data of the location of taxis in a city. The data is...
“Smart Cities are of strategic interest for all of us” – FI-WARE for Smart Cities
The strategic interest of Smart Cities was the main theme of the seminar Future Internet Opportunities in Smart City Environments, held at the auditorium of the Spanish Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information...