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FI-WARE and Smart Cities in Santander, October 16-18th
The city of Santander, Spain, will host a 3 day event from October 16th to 18th that will present FI-WARE and FI-Lab to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as the ideal platform to start working on Smart City projects. There...
Winners of the FI-WARE challenge at Campus Party Europe 2013
During Campus Party Europe 2013 FI-WARE gave €20.000 in prizes to developers who participated and created great ideas for apps in the Hackathon "Build your Future Internet application using FI-WARE" The challenge...
FI-Lab, the open platform to develop Future Internet applications, has been launched!
Last week we were in London presenting to the wide community of developers that got together at Campus Party Europe FI-WARE’s platform to develope with Future Internet applications, FI-Lab. In addition, and thanks to the Hackathon we organized,...
FIWARE Enablers going Open Source
We are excited to announce that again new reference implementations of FIWARE Generic Enablers went Open Source, available under the BSD License.
FI-WARE opens Smartcities to Future Internet App Developers
Our recent exhibition in Dublin Future Internet Assembly (FIA, May 7-10th 2013) shows how FI-WARE enablers truly expose open APIs & protocols embedding the technology complexity and, more important, real-time data and events of Smartcities....
FI-WARE to announce Open Innovation Lab & Developers events in a pre-FIA Workshop
The FI-WARE project is organizing a pre-FIA Workshop next Tuesday May 7th in Dublin from 14:30 to 17:30. Our team will communicate to the Future Internet community the detais of our Open Innovation Lab that other initiatives may exploit to build...
Architectural weeks: fostering collaboration in the 2nd phase of the PPP from the beginning
FI-WARE and the Use Case trials, recently incorporated to the PPP Programme, gathered in Madrid last week at the Telecommunications Engineering School of the UPM. The goal of the meeting was to initiate the collaboration with the Use Case...
Our IoT team meets in Paris
One week ago all companies involved in the definition and devlopment of FI-WARE Internet of the Things enablers met in Orange premises in Paris. Our meeting improved our architecture with the lessons learnt from Release 1 and updated strategies...
Successful Safecity real-life trial in Madrid relies on Fi-WARE enablers & testbed
Last week’s Proof of Concept trial of the SafeCity project was a remarkable culmination of a 2 year work. Further to the success of the 1st PoC in Stockholm, where they tested the appropriateness of their solutions in a disaster scenario in a...