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FI-WARE at the MWC’2013: the world’s premier mobile Industry event
The Internet is definitely going mobile as the impressive figures of the recent Mobile World Congress of Barcelona reveal: more than 1.700 companies, 3.400 journalists and, on the whole, over 72.000 attendees from 200 different countries....
Let’s keep our eye on the ball!
Last week, the FI-WARE chapter leaders and architects met in Rome at the Engineering premises at Ponte Galeria for a four-day meeting. The agenda was full of things to talk about. Thanks to the engagement of all participants, everything was...
3rd Open Call: fostering the uptake of FI-WARE’s results
Those who followed our previous calls must have noticed that they were basically bringing in complementary expertise to cover gaps in the functional map of FI-WARE. The new partners selected as a result of the successive calls were very similar...
UC projects carrying out friendly testing on the FI-WARE Testbed
YES ! the first release of FI-WARE is up and running on the so-called FI-WARE Testbed. Currently, access to the FI-WARE Testbed environment is limited to UC projects in phase one of the EU FI-PPP programme who are carrying out a...
Apps and Services Ecosystem goes Open Source
We are delighted to announce that two new reference implementations of Fi-Ware Generic Enablers just went Open Source, available under the BSD License. The Repository and Marketplace GE developed by SAP within the Apps and Services Ecosystem...
Smart city events in Spain: Seville, Malaga and Zaragoza
FI-WARE is going to make three major presentations to explain the capabilities of the Platform. They shall take place in Seville, (November 6th), Malaga (November 8-9th) and Zaragoza (November 8-9th). Those event are part of the efforts to...
New opportunities in FI-WARE
As announced at the beginning of August, the 2nd FI-WARE Open Call is open. All the information is available from the FI-WARE Open Call page and you can contact us on our dedicated communication channels specified in the documents associated to...
The First Release of FI-WARE is out
We feel rather excited to announce that the first wave of reference implementations of FI-WARE Generic Enablers planned for the first Release of FI-WARE were delivered a few days ago! You can find the public parts of the documentation on our...
Our 2nd Call is Open now
Once we have selected the winners of the 1st Open Call, we have started the process of the Second Open Call. This time we have three exciting topics: Advanced Web-based User Interface GEs Stream-oriented GEs Cloud Proxy Extended Development and...