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Spreading the word in Malaga
On the 20th March, some members of the FIWARE and CONCORD projects held a meeting in the Malaga City Council. Malaga is a city with a strong technological infrastructure. It participates in the FI-PPP project OUTSMART through the stakeholders...
New FAQs for the 1st Open Call published
Check out our dedicated Open Call FAQ wiki page for the last update of the most Frequently Asked Questions on the running Open Call. This page will have further updates in the coming days. We suggest to follow us on the Social Networks where we...
Infoday on the 1st Open Call of FI-WARE
On the 21st of March we spoke at the Infoday on the 1st Open Call of FI-WARE, organized by the CDTI. The Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) is a Public Entity that reports to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and...
I2ND Chapter meeting finalised first technical roadmap
The I2ND chapter partners met in Stuttgart, hosted at Alcatel-Lucent premises. Inside FI-WARE, the I2ND chapter provides a number of heterogeneous Generic Enabler specifications and implementations dealing with networking elements like Open...
The FAQ for the 1st Open Call is online now
We have a preliminary version of our FAQ for the 1st Open Call on the FI-WARE wiki. We will keep on answering your questions via the Open Call help desk and mail boxes. The FAQ will be improved over time and the next update will take place on...
The First FI-WARE Open Call is online now.
Our first call is open now! FI-WARE’s First Open Call will facilitate the incorporation of new partners that will contribute the following GEs for their integration as part of FI-WARE: Middleware for efficient and QoS/Security-aware invocation...
Information about FI-WARE Open Calls available on the website
FI-WARE is calling for additional contributiors via three Open Calls for Proposal. Detailed information about schedule and procedures are available on our website, see FI-WARE Open Call for Proposal. Do not miss this opportunity to become part...
We were also in Poznan
As you can expect, FI-WARE was also present in Poznan where we had the opportunity to talk to many people attending the FIA. We were really impressed by the facilities of the Lecture Conference Center and of the really very good ambiance. A very...
Presentation at the European Parliament
We have presented FI-WARE at the EU parliament. This is an important event for us because we are leaving the purely technical forums and entering into the real world of users, the main objective of our project. The presentation has taken place...