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FI-Ware presentation at Funems
This time we have presented Fi_WARE at the Funems congress., at the plenary session (presentations from the Congress are here). The title of the session was Future of internet stairway to heaven. This explains some of the “jokes” at the...
FI-WARE presentation in Luxembourg
Presentation of Fi-Ware at the II European Summit on the future Internet. This event organized by the University of Luxembourg counted with the chairmanship of Joao Da Silva, former director at the Information ¨Society and media” and one of the...
FI-WARE Present at the proposers day Budapest
Presentation of Fi-Ware at the proposers’ day in Budapest. Our Program coordinator (Peter Fatelnig) and our project officer (Arian Zwegers) made two presentations on the structure of the open calls. Also, I made a presentation explaining how...
First meeting of the PPP steering board. Budapest
The first meeting of the PPP steering board. Full details including minutes are provided by Concord project (here) . This is the first meeting of the group and the meeting was very open and friendly. The main elements of the discussion, beyond...
What is FIWARE?
FIWARE is the smart solution platform of choice and it is Open Source.