Powered by FIWARE: ADDIX GmbH - ADI-FI (Data Analytics,Data Spaces,Mobility and Location,Open Data,Sensory Systems)

ADDIX operates IT platforms based on FIWARE technology and open-source software. These highly capable, customizable Kubernetes-cluster are already in use by regional development organisations and utility companies. ADDIX operates infrastructure in the field of radio link system, fiber, IoT and WLAN.

ADDIX operates IT platforms based on FIWARE technology and open-source software. These highly capable, customizable Kubernetes-cluster are already in use by regional development organisations and utility companies.

Data, for example regarding weather, traffic, parking or public transport, can be gathered, saved and accessed in compliance with the NGSI (V2 & LD) standard.

Exchanging data is possible via a multitude of existing connectors. Building individual connectors on customer requirements is also quickly possible.

ADDIX operates its own infrastructure in the field of radio link systems, fiber, IoT and WLAN.

The #SH_WLAN with > 4.000 access points and 1.3 million users is one of the largest free and public WLAN networks in Germany. Our own fiber network brings high-speed internet to our customers. Remote areas are connected with powerful radio link systems. Over 1.000 customers use our Astimax VoIP solution. A variety of cloud services are provided in ADDIX‘s own data center.

Building & operating the ADI-FI Platform is based on our experience in many fields we work in for over 20 years now regarding a smart region and a smart city.

Regional development organisations and utility companies. For example https://mobility.kielregion.de/datenplattform/
