FIWARE R & D Projects: ALMA

Human Centric Algebraic Machine Learning. Developing a new generation of interactive, human-centric machine learning.

The digital transformation of European industry

Algebraic machine learning (AML) is a relatively new machine learning technique based on algebraic representations of data. Unlike statistical learning, AML algorithms are robust regarding the statistical properties of the data and are parameter-free.

The aim of the EU-funded ALMA project is to leverage AML properties to develop a new generation of interactive, human-centric machine learning systems. These systems are expected to reduce bias and prevent discrimination, remember what they know when they are taught something new, facilitate trust and reliability and integrate complex ethical constraints into human–artificial intelligence systems. Furthermore, they are expected to promote distributed, collaborative learning.


Algebraic Machine Learning (AML) has recently been proposed as new learning paradigm that builds upon Abstract Algebra, Model Theory. Unlike other popular learning algorithms, AML is not a statistical method, but it produces generalizing models from semantic embeddings of data into discrete algebraic structures, with the following properties:

The aim of the project is to leverage the above properties of AML for a new generation of Interactive, Human-Centric Machine Learning systems, that will: