FIWARE R & D Projects: ARISE

Agile, human-centric and Real-time Open Source technologies, advancing industrial HRI in Europe.


ARISE will make industrial HRI deployments simpler, cheaper, and more widespread in Europe by developing and demonstrating the concept of AgileHRI. The project envisions a near future which aligns with the principles of Industry 5.0, prioritizing resilient, sustainable, and human-centric work environments. In such a future, companies recognise that investing in industrial human-robot interaction (HRI) is essential for achieving better short- and long-term goals, rather than a cost. Human-centric approaches surpass traditional technology-driven approaches, with technology serving people rather than the other way around. Industrial HRI establishes its position as a game-changing asset that enables seamless collaboration between humans and robots on complex tasks, allowing them to work together in shifts of any length.

On its way to materialize such a vision, the ARISE project will

The ARISE project will address these challenges using cutting-edge open-source technologies from the European innovation ecosystem and will make a significant advance on their state-of-the-art to position Europe globally at the forefront of industrial HRI. To that aim, the project will put the focus on the achievement of four major goals: