FIWARE R & D Projects: Battery Pass

Tracking the provenance of battery materials to judge their environmental impact, ethical use, and sustainability.


The Battery Pass project’s objective is the complement of work of the Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland (CEID) while aiming to collaborate with further partners like Global Battery Alliance (GBA), Catena-X for the development of a system for cross-value chain data transfer, and Gaia-X for standards from the European cloud initiative. The proposed applications for EU battery passport implementations will demonstrate to the market another innovative approach of cross-industry content and technical standards for the harmonization and implementation of battery passports.

Market perspective and product promise

Battery Pass will empower Europe to become a leader in the digitalization of the battery supply chain and electromobility, making a unique contribution to climate protection, social responsibility, energy and the circular economy and will hel[ to reach meaningful goals in energy supply and circular economy and successfully meet the EU’s Fit for 55 climate-aligned industry strategy and the UN Global Goals.

The new system is set to be used in the automotive industry and to introduce an integrated standard for secure and agile data management. Over the next three years, the project will:

The findings will have the potential to pave the way for further product passports and economic sectors beyond the automotive one.

Solution approach

Battery Pass will provide a comprehensive solution for securely sharing information and data across different organizations and value-chain participants in the field of traction batteries, based on mandatory standard datasets and an interoperable technical implementation approach.

The project will make foundations for digital infrastructures for its documentation, the exchange of basic information and update-relevant technical data – in particular, data that comprehensively describes supply-chain accountability, such as greenhouse gas footprint, working conditions in raw material extraction, or the determination of battery conditions. Designed to support the development of EU battery passports (as legally mandated by the EU Battery Regulation starting in 2026), the project’s focus is firmly locked into the EU ecosystem, and beyond.