FIWARE R & D Projects: deployEMDS

Deployment of Mobility Data Space in Europe.


The project will contribute to the further development of the common European mobility data space announced in the Data Strategy and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, built and operated in full compliance with existing EU legislation in the mobility and transport sectors. By building on PrepDSpace4Mobility, funded under the Digital Europe Programme, the project supports “the deployment of the actual data spaces in line with common architectural requirements”. The geographically diverse and interdisciplinary project consortium brings together the know-how, resources, and strong expertise in the field of data spaces, transport and mobility. By means of real-life implementation projects of use cases in 9 cities and regions using common technical infrastructure combined with governance mechanisms, the project will support the creation and deployment of an operational data space allowing participants to make data available and accessible in machine-readable format, and to share data in a controlled, simple and secure way. To build a broad European ecosystem of data providers and users adopting common building blocks, over 20 use cases in 9 member states will contribute to the development of innovative services and applications and support policymaking by helping make available, share and reuse data for sustainable urban mobility indicators (SUMI) and for traffic and travel information in urban and regional areas.

Communication Dissemination, Exploitation and Stakeholder Engagement activities ensure that preliminary and final project results are effectively shared with relevant ecosystems and communities. A multi-faceted approach using a variety of channels such as a project website, workshops, national and international conferences, symposia, articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, press releases, social media networks, and newsletter will ensure that the project and its outcomes receive high visibility in the mobility community and the wider public.