FIWARE R & D Projects: DIH²

A Pan‐European Network of Robotics Digital Innovation Hubs using IDSA and FIWARE technologies as a reference architecture.


DIH² is a network of 26 DIHs, with a target to reach over 170 DIHs. The sole aim of the network is to spark incremental (cut 50% cost of advance robotics solutions, double the growth of robotics market) and disruptive (maximum productivity & optimum agility) innovations in over 300,000 Manufacturing SMEs and Mid-Caps. It will support SMEs in their Agile Production challenge (50% increase in productivity) and unleash their digitalization potential by enabling robot solutions that are more cost effective at lower lot sizes.

DIH² relies on:

DIH² will transform this network into a self-sustainable non-profit association with members all over Europe. DIH² will demonstrate that public funded research can help SMEs & Mid-Caps achieve digital excellence and global competitiveness through adopting advanced robotics solutions in Agile Production.