FIWARE R & D Projects: DSSC

This Data Spaces Support Centre will facilitate common data spaces that collectively create an interoperable data sharing environment, according to the EU values.


The “Data Spaces for Europe” project will set up and operate a Data Spaces Support Centre, as described in the Digital Europe Programme, to operationalize the European Strategy for Data.

This Support Centre will facilitate common data spaces that collectively create an interoperable data sharing environment, to enable data reuse within and across sectors, fully respecting EU values, and contributing to the European economy and society.

The project brings together associations and industry players, including SMEs, regulators, and digital innovation hubs, to foster the creation of data spaces.

The project consortium includes the leading associations and knowledge centres in the domain of data spaces, with a broad membership, an extensive network, national hubs, open-source communities, and data space pioneers.

The Support Centre explores the needs of the data spaces initiatives, the common requirements, and best practises.

The Support Centre delivers the Data Spaces Blueprint, composed of common building blocks encompassing the business, legal, operational, technical and societal aspects of data spaces.

The Blueprint continuously evolves with a user-centric approach, as the result of co-creation with the stakeholders.

The existing and emerging data space initiatives and the potential implementers of the building blocks form the Community of Practice in the field of data sharing and they create and adopt the Blueprint and its building blocks.

The Support Centre drives adoption through support activities, a platform and web portal for knowledge and asset sharing, help desk, toolboxes, and active engagement with all stakeholders.

The project supports the Data Innovation Board in proposing guidelines for common European data spaces.

The Support Centre will closely engage with the Data Innovation Board so that the Board can adopt elements in its guidelines, such as cross-sectoral data sharing standards, requirements for security and access procedures.