Developing tools for pattern-based planning of hybrid value creation and work to provide smart services.


The goal of the IMPRESS research project is to develop tools to support the transformation process. The core is formed by so-called solution model modules, which are necessary for the provision of smart services and describe, for example, typical employee competencies or value-added steps. These can then be put together by companies like pieces of a puzzle to form an individual hybrid value creation system.

To this end, methods are first developed with which smart services, their technical implementation and business models can be strategically planned and designed. To analyse the effects on the existing value creation and work processes, tools such as a “Quick Check” questionnaire are being developed. The four participating companies from the mechanical and plant engineering sector present different use cases in which the methods and tools are tested and design approaches for the areas of “people”, “organisation”, “business” and “technology” are derived. From this it is necessary to develop and implement tailor-made timetables for the transformation (roadmaps). This is accompanied by change management and the involvement of employees.

The result is a procedure model for the implementation of the transformation process as well as a catalog of solution models, which are made available via an online portal. The project results enable companies to design their value creation and work system in such a way that they can plan, develop and offer innovative smart services. The utilisation and transfer of the results are ensured through the establishment of a transfer group of experts and multipliers as well as publications and lectures. In addition, the transferability and transformation of the results to other industries, such as the automotive, chemical and food industries, is planned.