FIWARE R & D Projects: NeMo.bil

Development and test of a mobility system with cooperating autonomous driving vehicles for "individualized public transport".


The NeMo.bil project aims to develop and prototype an innovative, swarm-like mobility system that enables a new form of sustainable and needs-based passenger and freight transportation in rural areas. To this end, a new systemic approach is being pursued that combines the swarms of small automated vehicles that serve the first and last miles into a convoy over longer distances, which is then pulled by a larger automated vehicle. Two different vehicles therefore form the basis of the system. By combining the differently designed vehicles, the overall system achieves a previously unattainable level of energy efficiency. The aim of the concept is to implement innovative approaches that result in significant improvements in the areas of user acceptance, costs, use of resources and emissions. The central components of the system are compact, scalable, electrified and very light vehicles that provide networked on-demand mobility services in a swarm.